Monday, November 7, 2011

The Masochist Game

The ever popular: 30 Days of Kink

Day 18

Q: Any kinky/BDSM pet peeves? If so, what are they?

A: After four years in the scene, one huge pet peeve stands out in my mind. It is one that I have struggled with myself before I became confident in my submission. That would be something I like to call the "masochist game." It's a mental mind game that submissive persons have a tendency to engage in that could result in negative emotions, unrealistic goals, and unsatisfactory play sessions.

The masochist game usually starts with a phrase, one that begins to eat away at the confidence of the submissive. For example: "I can't take as much (x) as he/she can." Or "I'm not into pain, does that make me a bad submissive?" Also, quite possibly, "I wish I could be able to take (x)." All of which could undermine confidence and self esteem as a submissive.

It takes time, experience, and practice (mentally) to understand we all have positive qualities. Those are the qualities that should be praised and highly regarded. Instead of digging at ourselves about the qualities, or pain tolerance we wish we could have, we must begin to accept submission for what it is, not what we think it should be based on what we read or see.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tart in ChicagoLand

The tarty one is embarking on yet another road adventure, gleefully chaperoned by her faithful, furry side kick Britney Bear! Just two girls (technically: one girl, one bear) combing the landscape, wide eyed and bewildered, on their way to ChicagoLand.

It sounds like a fairy tale. Though the heroine of this tale is nothing like the innocently curious girl who stumbles down the rabbit hole. No, she is far less innocent, and even more curious by all Chicago has to offer.

Within 48 hours I will be in Chicago with a play friend spending a weekend away exploring new and exciting boundaries. Boundaries that may include:

Domestic service
Playing with sexual shame
Cigar play
Ashtray service
Forced smoke inhalation
Public masturbation
Consensual non-consent
I will be sure to indulge your curiosities when I am back in Michigan safe and sound. Also, after the major sub drop I know will occur has ceased.